Friday, October 8, 2010

Mr. Allow Me

Task #30 had been eluding the Big Sky Bozoners since Day 1 of the Non-Rev Challenge.  The task description reads as follows:  "Taking cover from the rain with the help of Mr. 'Allow Me.'"  When you Google the words "Mr. Allow Me", you get all sorts of strange hits--song lyrics, websites of questionable taste, and pieces of famous speeches just to name a few.  Us Bozoners had pretty much resigned ourselves to the fact that we might not be able to solve this strange riddle.

Until Caitlin's friend, Jonathan, came to town.

This is the same Jonathan that helped the solve the Bonus Point task of the inside-out umbrella sculpture in Seattle.

Jonathan settled in a did some digging.  And more digging.  Until finally his research yielded a viable hit--"Mr. Allow Me" is a sculpture in Portland, Oregon!  Clearly, he has proven to be a valuable asset to the Big Sky Bozoners.

Caitlin dashed off on her quest.  After much searching, success was found at Pioneer Square Park in downtown Portland.

With only 15 minutes worth of change for the parking meter, Caitlin and Mike (her boyfriend and honorary photographer for the day) scoured the park and were able to snap the Challenge photo before dashing back to the car to avoid a ticket (points earned:  10)

And they were off to the next photo destination!


  1. It takes a village to win a Non-Rev Challenge.
    Congrats bs, great job Jonathan.

  2. shucks! too bad you didn't have another to throw a bucket of "rain" to take cover from!! so fun! Jonathan ROCKS!!
