Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What we're doing....

Welcome to the Blog of the Big Sky Bozoners!  We are a team of 5 fabulous Delta Air Lines agents in Bozeman, Montana who are participating in a globe-trotting adventure.  The 2010 Non-Rev Challenge is a fundraising event for Delta Air Line's partnership with the United Way.  Employees within the Delta system compete in a photo scavenger hunt using our "non-rev" flight status (that means we fly stand-by on a space available basis) to take creative photographs of ourselves in a variety of places all over the world.  Photos range from the mundane (on an escalator) to the historical (in front of the Liberty Bell) to the fabulous (at the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul).  The five of us will try to do as many of the 100 tasks as we possibly can (the contest runs from September 1st-November 1st, 2010.)  We don't all have to be in the photo at the same time, but the more of us in the photo, the more points we earn for our team.

Tomorrow, three of us embark on our first flight adventure.  We don't know where we are going.  We don't know where we will end up.  We DO know we will have a great time doing it!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. Has all the possibilities for a real adventure. Hope to see you in Paris!
