Sunday, September 26, 2010

Deep in the Heart of Texas

All five of us Bozoners have returned safely from our past few days of travel.  Today we will concentrate on Candy and Peggy's trip to Houston, Texas!  Yeeee-hah!

Due to full flights out of Bozeman, Candy and Peggy began their journey by driving to Helena, Montana (about 80 miles away) to fly from Helena-Minneapolis-Houston.  They arrived with enough daylight left to drive to the Johnson Space Center.  They drove up to the gate and explained to the guards about the Delta Non-Rev Challenge.  The guards were ADAMANT that Candy and Peggy could not enter the grounds to take their photo.  The guards were SUPER ADAMANT that Candy could not take a photo of them DENYING Candy and Peggy entrance.  They were instructed to drive over to the main entrance sign on NASA Highway and take a photo from that spot.  So they did, and took this photo (compliments of Candy's self-timer on her camera) of the two of them looking into the sky at the Johnson Space Center (Task #49, point value: 14)

Candy and Peggy quickly piled back into their vehicle and made their way toward the Bunker Hill Village area of Houston to try to complete Task #42--At a Frank Lloyd Wright house.  Candy explained that she had done some research on this particular house and found that the house was slated for demolition, as the neighborhood felt it did not fit in with the current homes on the street, Tall Oaks.  They weren't even sure if the house was still there, but were up for the adventure of finding out.

They stopped at a gas station in the area, and stumbled upon many people who were interested in the Non-Rev Challenge and were really surprised to find out there was a Frank Lloyd Wright house in the area.  One woman who had just walked in from church was most helpful.  Meet Ms. Cynthia Dunhill!

Ms. Dunhill has lived in the area for over 20 years, was interested in FLW architecture, and was completely surprised to find out there was a house of his in her own backyard.  She invited Candy and Peggy to follow her to the nearest spot where Tall Oaks could be.  She had to be on her way, but wished Candy and Peggy a fond "Good Luck!" and was very excited to be part of the search.  Candy and Peggy wandered the neighborhoods for a while, but still couldn't locate the building.  They finally stopped at a Shell Gas Station.  The Shell employee, a young man named Walter Aquilar (aka Little Walter since there are four..count em' FOUR..Walters working at this same gas station) helped Candy and Peggy find the location on Mapquest.  Candy couldn't help noticing the sound of birds chirping, and mentioned this to Little Walter.  It turns out that he has over 20 parakeets and love birds that he takes care of at the shop!

By now, it's 10pm and DARK.  Candy and Peggy found the house located at the end of a street with about 10 mansions spaced out on 2-3 acres each.  At the end of the cul-de-sac, they found the gate open at 12020 Tall Oaks (the address they had located on the FLW Conservancy website).

Candy drove through the gate and saw the house set far back from the gate.  There were lights on in the house and a car in the driveway, which surprised them because they were under the impression the house was vacant and possibly destroyed.  In a move that was decidedly UN-Candy-like, she opted NOT to disturb the occupants and to only snap a quick photo of Peggy in front of the house. 

We aren't certain this photo (coupled with the prior photo of the address) will count in the official Non-Rev Challenge point total--it is simply too dark to be able to tell that this is what Peggy is standing in front of. The good news is that there are many FLW houses all across the country...even one in Hamilton, Montana (outside of Missoula).  Can you say "road trip" for the Big Sky Bozoners?  Could be a really hilarious adventure!

More later...



  1. Nice human interest angle ladies...I'd say you overcame some serious DO NOT ENTER vibes on this trip!
    I would not have gone into the dark dark to knock on the door of the house---I've seen that movie and it never ends well...YIKES.
    You guys are closing in on the half-way point---so proud!
    Beeg Seester

  2. I would bet that your friendliness, enthusiasm, and warmth toward all you have met have brought Delta some solid converts to its brand. Good work!
